Josh Owen Studio collaborates with the New York-based company OTHR to experiment with 3D printed technology...
The Memorial Art Gallery will be holding a reception celebrating the release of Josh Owen’s book...
Seoul National University Museum of Art (MoA) invited Josh Owen to speak as part of their Playful Sensitivity...
Josh Owen is featured in the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Alumni Exhibition...
ICFF awarded Rochester Institute of Technology collaboration with Poppin Best School ICFF Editors’ Award 2016.
Josh Owen Studio will reveal a new experimental project at Metaproject + Poppin event...
Josh Owen and Poppin‘s Jeff Miller will host the Metaproject 06 + Poppin Party event in NYC...
Josh Owen’s RIT industrial design undergraduate students will present Metaproject 06 work with Poppin...
Josh Owen is invited to speak at the CCAD Beeler Gallery as part of the 2016 Visiting Artists & Scholars...
Josh Owen is invited to lecture about his professional works to the Community at Domaine de Boisbuchet...
Josh Owen is invited to lead workshop with CMoG GlassLab entitled Contradiction and Connectivity...
Josh Owen is invited by Steelcase to speak at the Curious Minds lecture series in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Josh Owen’s student Audrey Kirk’s work from Metaproject 05 is now a commercial product...
Josh Owen’s student Brian Keyes’s work from Metaproject 05 is now a commercial product...
Josh Owen’s career and design philosophies were recently featured in an article by Stephen Pulvirent...
Dezeen is offering the chance to win a trip to Domain de Boisbuchet Summer 2015, where Josh Owen will be...
Josh Owen is invited to speak in the Hidden Passions: Hyphenated Lives Series at the Memorial Art Gallery...
Josh Owen invited as a guest speaker for the Wanted Design Brooklyn Design Forum.
Kikkerland will be exhibiting the Metaproject 05 student work at the Javits Center during ICFF...
Josh Owen will host the Success by Design event in NYC, May 15-16...
Casamania reintroduced XX Coatrack for Casamania in oak at Salone del Mobile in Milan, Italy...
During this year’s Salone del Mobile in Milan, Josh Owen and Corning Museum of Glass...
“Nimble” a recently-published book about Thinking Creatively in the Digital Age, included an interview...
Josh Owen is invited to present his professional work to research associates...
Josh Owen is invited to be a guest speaker at the annual Work-in-Progress Dinner...
Josh Owen is invited to speak about his work at the Arizona State University Design Details Lecture Series.
Ambiente 2015: USA Partner Country selected Josh Owen’s Cube Jigger for Kikkerland to represent best design...
The Museum of the American Cocktail featured Josh Owen’s Cube Jigger prototype for Kikkerland in their exhibit...
Josh Owen is invited to speak about his professional work at Muskingum University, Columbus, OH USA.
Josh Owen is invited to speak about his professional work at Hyundai Corporate Headquarters, Los Angeles, CA USA.
Josh Owen is invited to speak about his professional work at DIS · Danish Institute for Study Abroad...
Josh Owen shares a few fond memories of Massimo Vignelli in an article published by Core77.
This year at Wanted Design in Booth 17, Josh Owen’s RIT industrial design graduate students...
Josh Owen’s RIT industrial design undergraduate students will present their work with Herman Miller...
The Rhode Island School of Design invited Josh Owen as a panelist on their “Objects & Materials”...
RIT’s Vignelli Product Timecapsule collection, an initiative Josh Owen facilitates, recently acquired...
Josh Owen is invited to speak about his professional work at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey...
Josh Owen’s drawings are now featured in DRAW!...
SOS Stool for Casamania is added to the permanent design collection of the RISD Museum.
XX Coatrack for Casamania is part of the permanent collection of the Taiwan Design Museum in Taipei.
Josh Owen’s student Casey Schneider’s work from Metaproject 02 is now a commercial product...
Loll Designs has released Josh Owen’s Chiaroscuro Clocks, and are available for purchase.
Congregation Emanu-el’s new exhibit “Traditional by Conception, Modern By Design” will feature Josh Owen’s work..
Josh Owen’s student James Paulius’s work from Metaproject 06 is now a commercial product...
Twenty-two of Josh Owen’s Industrial Design undergraduate students from the Rochester Institute of Technology...
Josh Owen hosts a celebration of RIT Industrial Design student...
Rhode Island School of Design’s “Risk and Certainty in Uncertain Times,” a show featuring Josh Owen’s work...
Josh Owen will be releasing a new project, Chiaroscuro Clocks, for Loll Designs in booth #2226 at ICFF.
Josh Owen will be part of a panel discussion on how design shapes the home...
Rhode Island School of Design’s “Risk and Certainty in Uncertain Times"...
Josh Owen’s WC Line for Kontextur wins GOOD DESIGN award...
After two days of collaboration between Josh Owen and master craftsmen at the Corning Museum of Glass...
Josh Owen was invited to participate in GlassLab at the Corning Museum of Glass...
This year during design week in New York City, Josh Owen is consolidating his professional and educational...
Josh Owen’s SOS stool for Casamania is now featured in Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal’s new...
Read Rima Suqi’s article on Josh Owen’s WC Line for Kontextur in The New York Times here.
Student works from Metaproject 02, Josh Owen’s course at The Rochester Institute of Technology...
Read Josh Owen interview by Design Milk as part of their Friday Five series here.
New projects designed by Josh Owen studio for Kontextur will be released...
The Contemporary Jewish Museum invited Josh Owen and 50 other architects and designers to create...
Josh Owen’s Cast Iron Menorah for Areaware was awarded the 2011 Chicago Good Design Award...
Designboom, one of the world’s leading independent publications for architecture and design...
The Rochester Institute of Technology launches a new website for the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences...
Josh Owen was invited to participate in a project for a charity called Pencils of Promise...
Design Intelligence names Rochester Institute of Technology’s industrial design department...
Good things come to those who wait. Originally developed in 2005, Josh Owen’s soft tissue box cover...
Fabrica, the Benetton Group Communication Research Centre, invited Josh Owen to lecture...
Student work from Metaproject 01, Josh Owen’s new course at The Rochester Institute of Technology...
Hands On Exhibition invited Josh Owen to participate in the UMUL 2011...
Associate Professor Josh Owen to give a lecture entitled “Lenses for Design”...
The National Museum of American Jewish History has acquired Josh Owen’s Menorah for Areaware...
Menorah for Areaware featured in New York Times article.
Quayside Publishing’s new book 1000 Product Designs by Eric Chan of ECCO Design features Josh Owen’s work.
Chronicle Publishing’s new book Creative, Inc. features an interview in which Josh Owen discusses...
Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal accepted Josh Owen’s SOS Stool for Casamania into its permanent...
Lark Books releases book entitled 500 Judaica: Innovative Contemporary Ritual Art by Ray Hemachandra...
The Pera Museum in Istanbul, Turkey will feature Josh Owen’s SOS stool for their new exhibition...
Josh Owen has accepted an offer from the Rochester Institute of Technology to join their faculty this fall...
Josh Owen releases his new cast iron Menorah for AREAWARE at the New York International Gift Fair...
The studio will relocate shortly. In the mean time, please excuse the phone line being down...
Several student projects from Josh Owen’s and Jason Lempieri’s design course Build 03...
A student enrolled in Josh Owen and colleague Ken Root’s Freshman Industrial Design studio...
Wallpaper*City Guide for Philadelphia, published by Phaidon, featured Josh Owen LLC’s studio and products.
Arrive Magazine featured Josh Owen’s Monroe Calculator.
Josh Owen’s Knock-off Lamp for Kikkerland represented the new generation of American Designers...
Doorstopper for Areaware received a 2009 Good Design Award from the Chicago Athenaeum...
Josh Owen studio invited to participate in Philadelphia Art Alliance Exhibition and silent auction...
Josh Owen introduced the first grade class from Friends Select School to industrial design...
Josh Owen introduced Beginnings preschool to industrial design with a tour of his professional offices...
Josh Owen designed seating for the Corian Bench Inventions Exhibit during this year’s DesignPhiladelphia...
Josh Owen lectured about his work at the Rochester Institute of Technology to students and faculty...
Josh Owen presented a lecture about his work at the Art Center College of Design to students and faculty...
More than 100 of Josh Owen’s SOS Stools were included in the Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia...
Student work from Build 02, Josh Owen and Jason Lempieri’s sophomore industrial design studio...
Monroe launched Josh Owen’s 8125 calculator design.
Casamania displayed Josh Owen’s SOS Stool at Salone Internazionale del Mobile...
The Dorothy Saxe Invitational invited Josh Owen to participate in an exhibition...